How to order
Hours of operation
Prices, shipping, and tax
Prices on our website and in our catalog are in effect January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. All orders are subject to acceptance by Zaner-Bloser in Columbus, Ohio. Zaner-Bloser reserves the right to change prices without notice.
School Prices
Zaner-Bloser's website and catalog show school prices, which include a 25% discount off the retail price. For more information, see Retail Prices. Contact Customer Experience about special discounts available on volume paper purchases. Prices are “each” unless otherwise noted. Availability of some items is limited. Zaner-Bloser reserves the right to change prices without notice.
Retail Prices
Zaner-Bloser limits the sale of Teacher Editions, Manuals, and Guides to approved educators and educational institutions. Merchandise shipped to any location other than a school or school warehouse will be charged retail price. Bookstores, individuals, and non-school customers are charged retail price. To calculate the retail price of a product, divide the listed school price by 0.75. Orders from individuals cannot be invoiced and must be accompanied by full payment or charged to VISA, MasterCard, or Discover Card.
Shipping and Processing
Shipping and processing charges are prepaid and added to the invoice as a separate item. If payment for educational materials is enclosed with your order, please add 10% or $5.00, whichever is greater, to cover standard shipping and processing. Zaner-Bloser will choose the best shipping method for standard delivery. Most orders are shipped within 72 hours. For express shipping, call Customer Experience at 800.421.3018.
Add state and local taxes to the total amount of your order, if applicable. If tax exempt, be sure to include your tax exemption certificate to qualify for zero sales tax.
Returns will only be processed with prior authorization by Zaner-Bloser Customer Experience. Materials must have been purchased within 90 days and be in resalable condition. To make arrangements for a return, contact Zaner-Bloser's Customer Experience Department at 800.421.3018. Please do not return materials to the PO Box address. Return to:
Returns Department
10650 Toebben Drive
Independence, KY 41051
Payment methods
Please submit payment to Zaner-Bloser, Inc., PO Box 715104, Cincinnati, OH 45271 or call 614.487.2261 to pay via commercial credit card. Our preferred payment method is Automated Clearing House (ACH) network transfer. For ACH information, please e-mail us at
For your protection, please do not send credit card information for payment via e-mail. We adhere to strict payment card industry rules and, to protect the transaction information, request all commercial card payments be handled via phone call to our accounts receivable representatives.
Browse our eCatalog or contact us to request a catalog be mailed to you.
Product samples
Complimentary samples of certain products are available to schools planning volume purchases. To make arrangements, call us toll free at 800.421.3018, or contact your local Sales Representative.
Tech support for online products
International customers
Using the online store
Searching by ISBN
To locate an item by ISBN in the online store, you will need to enter the full 13-digit ISBN without hyphens into the search field. For example, to search for the Zaner-Bloser Handwriting © 2020 Grade 3 Student Edition, enter 9781453119310.
Username and Password
If you have forgotten your username or password, click the Request New Password tab, where you will be prompted to enter your username or e-mail address. An e-mail will then be sent with your username and a one-time login link to reset your password.
If you are unable to reset your password or your username cannot be found, click on the Register link to create a new account. We will match it with your existing account on file once the order is processed.
Edit Billing/Shipping Address
To edit or add billing or shipping address information, log in to your account by clicking the person icon and entering your e-mail and password. Click on Edit account, then click on View addresses to edit existing address information or to add a new address.
Purchase Order Payment Option
Purchase orders are accepted from school accounts when placing an order through the online store. To pay with a purchase order, select Purchase Order from the payment options in the Payment step (the last step in the purchase). You will be prompted to add a purchase order number, school name, and phone number.
Downloadable Products
If you have purchased a downloadable product, you can download this product from your online store account at any time. Log in to your account by clicking the person icon and entering your e-mail and password. Select the order number that contains the downloadable product, then select the item you want to access in the Your Downloads section. It will automatically load as a zip file.
Redeeming a coupon or promo code
Coupons and promo codes can be redeemed online* and on e-mail, fax, mail, or phone orders. Be sure to include the code on your e-mail, fax, or mail order.
To redeem a coupon or promo code online, enter it into the Coupons and Gift Certificates field when checking out. Click the Apply button to update your order total.
*Some promo codes cannot be redeemed online.