Descripción general de la escritura en inglés
Los que trabajamos en Zane-Bloser comprendemos perfectamente
la alegría que comparte un maestro de la escuela primaria con el
estudiante que logra escribir su nombre por primera vez. Esa
combinación de alcanzar logros de orgullo y emoción es algo que
todo estudiante debería sentir y que todo maestro debería tener la
oportunidad de ofrecerle.
Cuando usted enseña con las instrucciones de Zaner-Bloser La
escritura, usted les está enseñando a todos los estudiantes a que se
destaquen mediante la adquisición de las destrezas esenciales de
lecto-escritura que requieren para convertirse en comunicadores
capaces y seguros de sí mismos, preparados para triunfar en la
escuela y en la vida.

Teach All Students to Shine
Easy to implement effectively in dual-language, bilingual, and Spanish-speaking classrooms, Zaner-Bloser La escritura ensures students can progress in handwriting alongside their native English-speaking peers—and enjoy a chance to shine.

Savvy Instruction
The Teacher Edition features all objectives, stroke descriptions, and self-evaluation questions in Spanish. Like its English-language counterpart, Zaner-Bloser La escritura can help teachers introduce explicit cursive and manuscript instruction in about 15 minutes per day. This instructional approach leads to mastery of basic writing skills (manuscript and cursive), improved letter recognition, and fluency in writing.
School and Home Support provides online support for teachers with easy access to
- Zaner-Bloser La escritura Teacher Guide and projectable Student Edition pages
- Short instructional videos and Animated Letter Models
- Printable Home Practice pages
- Worksheet Maker with Spanish letters in Zaner-Bloser font

Classroom Resource Kits in both cursive and manuscript contain multisensory practice materials for additional teaching and learning support, including home handwriting kits, desk strips, and a wall chart that features the complete alphabet in Spanish. Additional resources in English include alphabet cards, touch and trace cards, and more.

Spanish Practice Masters provide additional learning opportunities for every letter and skill. Available in print and for downloading online, these flexible activities are easy to assign for in-class or at-home use.