Start Fresh
Each week your students embark on their word study journey with a chance to show what they know—and grow from there. Individual assessments gauge familiarity with a particular word pattern and measure existing knowledge.
Rather than get slotted into a particular level or static track, Spelling Connections: A Word Study Approach meets students where they are and provides multiple opportunities to move forward.
Students enrich their word study experience by exploring their knowledge in different ways each day. Cross-discipline work prompts students to apply their new knowledge across a rich selection of content areas.

Finish Strong
Students complete the unit by demonstrating their depth of pattern mastery. Their knowledge of spelling concepts compounds over time—extending application across units and eventually grades.
Curious to learn more? Download a brochure for a program overview!

The Case for Spelling
Explicit spelling instruction helps students learn how to decode (or breakdown words into sounds and individual parts) and encode (build words back up). As they begin to internalize and anticipate spelling patterns, they are creating a “dictionary in the brain” that allows them to recognize more words.
As students improve word fluency they gain capacity for better reading comprehension and written expression—time and energy is no longer spent trying to recognize or spell words.

A Word Study Approach
Backed by years of extensive ongoing research, Spelling Connections takes a broader view of spelling as it relates to overall literacy improvement and success. This word study approach provides a structured, systematic look at spelling patterns that teaches spelling in the context of
- expanding vocabulary.
- enhancing comprehension.
- improving writing.
Rather than taught as independent items, phonological awareness, phonics, sight word recognition, morphology, and vocabulary building are introduced as interdependent skills in each unit! Students learn how to consider words from all angles.
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