Introducing Jump Into Writing!
A new student-inspired, teacher-friendly curriculum that helps teachers apply the everyday skills they’ve already developed as classroom leaders toward establishing a writing workshop in their classrooms.
Jump Into Writing! supports teachers with
- lessons that are easy to manage.
- a logical sequence of routines.
- a practical, accessible voice for real teachers.
- carefully chosen mentor texts to inspire, instruct, and engage on multiple levels.
- embedded support that helps teachers grow as writers while they teach.
Regardless of their writing workshop experience, teachers can jump in without feeling like they’re getting in over their heads.

Why Writing Workshop
Writing workshop operates on the premise that every student has a
story to tell, an opinion to share, and a voice to be heard.
A workshop approach empowers students with the physical,
emotional, and academic prowess to realize their potential as writers.
By establishing a writing workshop in your classroom, you’re
preparing your students not only to be better communicators, but
also better classmates.
Jump Into Writing! for Teachers
Think about how many times a day you
- Hold roundtable discussions
- Find a “hook” to engage students’ attention
- Use your powers of persuasion to influence behavior in the classroom
- Establish routines and expectations
- Ask your students to reflect on a milestone or job well done
- Share a personal story with your class
These are ALL skills you already have that will help you succeed in writing workshop.
Jump Into Writing! for Students
Did you know the things your students do every day in class and at home are the very things they need to succeed as writers?
- Sharing stories
- Giving opinions
- Making lists
- Trying something new
- Keeping a journal
Students just need to learn how to put these skills to work…and a writing workshop like Jump Into Writing! is just the place to do it.
5 important things students should know about Jump Into Writing!
STUDENTS are the focus. Apart from the minilesson, it’s all about the students—without writers there IS no workshop.
They’ll learn from real writers. Whether it’s modeling a move from a mentor text or reviewing an essay from a classmate, students get to see different ways to approach a writing piece.
Voice & Choice. Part of the writing process is deciding what topics they want to explore.
Talking is a must! Providing feedback and sharing thoughts are very important for developing writers.
They’ll be published. Every unit ends with a celebration to share the finished pieces with family, friends, and classmates.
Learn More About Students’ Workshop Experience!