Kickstart Number Sense

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Proven-Effective Math Intervention for Grades K–3 Skills

Kickstart: Number Sense structured, sequential lessons are developmentally aligned to progress from concrete to representational to abstract thinking about whole numbers. This comprehensive math intervention program is proven to help students develop the foundational number sense skills necessary to access core math curriculum at grades K–3.

Independent analysis by LXD summarizes the foundational design behind Kickstart: Number Sense and the importance of early intervention to build foundational number sense skills.

Download the paper to explore:

  • Research-based origins of the program’s design
  • Clear and accessible logic model
  • Anticipated outcomes for students

Kickstart: Number Sense © 2021

  • ESSA Level Evidence Badges

Proven Effective

Efficacy Case Study – Spring 2023


See Kickstart: Number Sense Efficacy Study – Oregon 2023 for Context

Developed by a K–2 Teacher!

Jen Hunt developed Kickstart in response to needs she saw while working with teachers in over 100 school districts throughout the Northwest. Before becoming a consultant and author, Jen was a classroom teacher in grades K–2. She uses her degrees in education and psychology to approach teaching through the lens of child development, brain research, and best practice. She specializes in small-group math instruction, number sense, primary interventions, maximizing management for efficiency, and reflective practice.

Students using Kickstart
Kickstart Number Sense

Give Struggling Students’ Number Sense Journey a Kickstart!

Help struggling students develop the confidence and understanding to talk and think about numbers flexibly and fluently.

Talk to a sales consultant about bringing Kickstart to your school or shop Zaner-Bloser’s online store for Kickstart materials.

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