Learn about methods for teaching writing and grammar in Zaner-Bloser’s on-demand webinars for elementary teachers and administrators. For additional writing workshop resources, advice, and assets, visit our Writing Workshop Hub.
While most grammar instruction is about finding one right answer and identifying mistakes, this webinar shines a light on the meaning-making power of grammar using rich literature and classroom conversation with the Patterns of Power Family of Resources.
Presented by Jeff Anderson, Whitney La Rocca, Caroline Sweet, and Holly Durham
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What does writing workshop look like in today’s diverse classrooms? Watch as we define writing workshop—what it is (and isn’t), explore lesson structure, and dive into mini-lesson content.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman
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How do you go about creating a successful writing workshop environment? Watch for advice on fostering engagement, creativity, and motivation for students. The webinar also provides tips on adapting workshop to different learning configurations: in-person, hybrid, and remote.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman
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How do you build and sustain a successful writing workshop? Watch for tips on creating a community of writers with a nod to incorporating social and emotional learning into your classroom culture.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman
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Why do mentor texts matter? Learn what makes a good mentor text and explore different ways to apply them to writing workshop instruction.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman & Stacey Shubitz
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Interested in improving the writing conference experience in your classroom? Ensure you’re making conferring meaningful for your student writers and learn about types of conferences through examples and models.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman & Stacey Shubitz
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Can grammar and conventions be incorporated into writing workshop? Absolutely! Learn about the natural fit between a writing workshop model and strong grammar and writing convention instruction.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman
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What are craft moves and what do they have to do with writing workshop? Watch to learn how to teach craft moves and see what instruction looks like in an actual workshop lesson.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman & Stacey Shubitz
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Are you looking to embrace your inner writer and improve your workshop experience? Learn why it’s important for teachers to write, ways to get started, and tips for establishing meaningful routines.
Presented by Lynne Dorfman & Stacey Shubitz
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