Grounded in conversation and discovery, the Patterns of Power grammar process invites students to look closely at well-crafted sentences from books they may know—or might want to explore later. Over the course of multiple days, the Patterns of Power grammar program empowers students to:
The Patterns of Power process values student talk—peer-to-peer as well as whole-class discussions. A simple question begins each lesson and provides a foundation for moving students through observation, inquiry, and application: What do you notice? Watch as co-author Jeff Anderson leads a Patterns of Power discussion in a classroom.
There are two ways to bring this invitational process to your classroom. Patterns of Power Plus Kits include classroom-ready resources for 10-minute lessons specific to a grade level. Patterns of Power Teacher Resource Books use the same consistent invitational process and provide multigrade lessons for grades PreK–1, grades 1–5, grades 6–8, and grades 9–12.
Each Patterns of Power Plus Classroom Kit includes a grade-level specific Teacher’s Guide, 25 Student Notebooks, a Lesson Display Flip Chart, Focus Phrase Cards, and access to a Companion Website. Choose the specific grade level 1–5.
Select the Full-year Classroom Package to receive the complementary Teacher Resource Book and extend your Patterns of Power experience for the entire year.
Teacher Resource Books contain multigrade lessons and can help differentiate instruction. Buy them in packs of five or ten to share among grade-level or building-level colleagues.
Patterns of Power Plus Classroom Kits include 25 Student Notebooks, providing a structure for students to capture their conversation and learning. As students fill notebooks, each one becomes a personalized style guide that can support decisions about grammar and conventions throughout the year and across subject matters.
Packs of notebooks can also be purchased separately and used with Patterns of Power Teacher Resource Books in grades 1–5.
Patterns of Power lessons are carefully designed by the program authors using sentences selected from age-appropriate children's books. Add a convenient bundle of children’s books referenced in the Patterns of Power lessons to your purchase to deepen students’ appreciation of authors’ craft and purpose. Collections are available in English for grades PreK–1 and grades 1–5. Spanish collections are available for grades 1–5.
Showcasing authentic mentor texts during grammar instruction adds joy, depth, and contexts to conventions, which leads to authentic conversations and writing.
— Jeff Anderson
The Patterns of Power invitational process provides opportunities for all students to discuss, learn, and apply the moves that good writers make. Students gain confidence and understanding to apply the process adeptly and consistently—across the year and across the grades.
Speak with a sales consultant or explore the online store to see ways to bring Patterns of Power to your classroom.